
technical consultation on high-seas fisheries معنى

  • المشاورة التقنية المتعلقة بصيد الأسماك في أعالي البحار
  • technical    adj. تقني, فني, خص ...
  • consultation    n. استشارة, تشاور, ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • fisheries    الثروات السمكية; م ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. technical conference on meteorology and energy معنى
  2. technical conference on observation and measurement of atmospheric pollution معنى
  3. technical conference on the economic and social benefits of meteorological and hydrological services معنى
  4. technical conference on the hydrological services of africa معنى
  5. technical consultation on drug control assistance معنى
  6. technical consultation on illicit opium poppy cultivation in latin america معنى
  7. technical consultation on integrated rural water management معنى
  8. technical consultation on management of fishing capacity معنى
  9. technical consultation on sea turtles conservation and fisheries معنى
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